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Inbound Spouse - Expired Criminal Record Check


Sep 30, 2013
So a little background. My wife is from the US and I am from Canada. We decided to do Inbound because she is originally from the West coast and we would rarely get to see eachother if we used Outbound. Got married in May this year and she arrived in Canada September 3 2013.

We just finished the entire application only to notice that the FBI background check was expired by 1 week. I was planning to send it in anyways and then send in another request so we have an updated one should they send the package back.

Is it a big hassle and cost much extra to resubmitt an application? Also would there be an opportunity to send in the new record check to have them add it to the application?

Lastly my wife doesn't qualify as a skilled worker but has someone willing to give her a job. Would it be easier to get a work permit before or after sending in the application?



VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

elbob said:
Does anyone have a reply to this?

1. You realize that you can submit an "out of Canada" spousal application while your spouse is residing in Canada? 62 days at Mississauga and 15 months at Ottawa (Ottawa processes US apps, if there are no problems) compared to 27 months for an "in Canada". Your only real gain is your spouse can apply for a work permit with the In Canada.
2. Assuming that that the FBI PCC is older than 6 months (new) CIC will probably ask for an updated one sometime in the future.