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Immigration from Scotland to Canada?


May 28, 2009
I don't have a trade but my heart is set on moving to Canada & starting a new life. I have good friends in Smith Falls Ontario who I could stay with until I get on my feet. Is it possible for someone like me to Immigrate? Billy


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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No trade and no education? It is possible but tricky. It will not work in ON. What kind of job experience? Check out the PNP's in AB and BC, the semi skilled jobs. They have things on there like hotels, kitchen helpers and what do I know. If you manage to get one of those jobs in that province, you get a low skilled 2 year work permit but because the job is on the PNP list for the province, the employer can apply for your immigration to Canada.

Another way to do it, if you can get a skilled job, you may be able to get a skilled work permit, even in ON. A skilled job can be even something like a shift manager at McD's. It is also possible that if you have a trade experience that you can get a work permit as a tradesman even though you don't have papers. Not all trades require papers in Canada. With a skilled work permit, it's easy to apply for immigration through PNP or CEC later.


May 28, 2009
Thanks Leon. Well I have a decent education, done reasonably well at high school & I obtained a Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design at College. Would this make a difference maybe? Or I could maybe go on one of those Work Holiday Programmes & see if that improves my chances? Billy


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Yeah, a working holiday can be good to get your foot in the door. You can use that time to find an employer who will sponsor you under PNP.


Star Member
Mar 27, 2009
Surely you could claim points with a HND, which is technically two years into a Degree course. I am sure you could claim for Diploma. Consequently, would you not be able to make up the points if you have a close relative in Canada?

I would certainly look at all possibilites, because if you have your heart set on the move then you already know what you have to do.


May 28, 2009
Thanks again guys! I have relatives in Ontario but they are not immediate family. Great aunts & uncles & second cousins etc. Well I might try the work holiday & visit the Canadian Embassy while I'm there & see what my options are. I don't suppose you would know how much money I would need to save up to go on this work holiday? Billy


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Information on working holiday here: http://www.bunac.org/

You can also check the self assessment if you have enough points to apply for FSW at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/assess/index.asp but you would need to meet one of 3 requirements to apply, see http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp If you start off with a working holiday, you could apply under category 3 after 12 months in Canada, that is if you get enough points on the self-assessment.


May 28, 2009
Oh right, so I can apply to do the WHP through BUNAC then when I arrive to work in Canada for 12 months, gain as much experience/points there as I can & then see if I have a stronger chance? I am actually hoping to gain entry to the Fire Department if I get accepted into Canada. Don't know if I need citizenship though? Billy


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Yeah, work in Canada for 12 months and try to make a connection with an employer who will give you an AEO for your immigration under PNP or FSW if you qualify for FSW. I don't really know if the fire department hires people on work permit. You have to ask when you get to Canada but I have an idea it's probably some amount of training involved and they might not want to train you if you don't have PR.


May 28, 2009
Right. Well I would try & get settled there before I think about that. Well the BUNAC WHP seems like a great option for me. Do you think I will need alot of money saved up first? Will it be easy enough to get accomodation etc? So many questions eh? Haha. Billy


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Jun 13, 2008
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I don't know if Bunac requires you to bring money but if they don't, take into account that even if you find a job right away, you will not get paid right away. Most people in Canada (at least in my experience) get paid every 2 weeks. Your rent will normally be due on the 1st of the month. You will have to front the first month rent and either depending on the province, the last month rent or a damage deposit which could be as high as a months rent. If you have to get utilities in your own name, you will likely have to pay a deposit to get hooked up but they will return it to you in 6 months if you pay your bills on time.

Landlords may be vary about renting to somebody who just showed up in town and doesn't have a job yet but it's all doable, takes a lot of phonecalls and legwork depending on what you are looking for and what it can cost. A friend of mine moved to Edmonton when the housing market was at it's worst and she did not have a job yet. Her budget was low so we went through a couple of newspapers and circled every ad that did not have a price and she phoned them all, must have been 20 or 30 of them and she did go out and see some pretty crappy places but in the end she had a choice between 2 decent ones, both within her price range.


May 28, 2009
Cool. Well I have sent BUNAC an enquiry to see if I am able to move in with my friend in Smith Falls Ontario & look for employment there. I'm sure they'll be fine with this as I have checked that it's okay with my friend. I only hope I can get sponsorship from an employer so that I can stay. I'll just have to try & make a good impression while I'm over there.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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The biggest problem people from Europe seem to have in Canada is lack of vacation. If you are used to 4-6 weeks vacation and you go down to 2, that's a big change. My employer had problems with the German guys who would request 4-5 weeks vacations over the busiest time in the summer and feel they were entitled to get them. You do not have the right of any vacation during your first year of employment. If the boss gives you some, he's being nice to you. There are a lot of 3 day weekends though. Other than that, just keep moving, work overtime when they ask etc.


May 28, 2009
Yeah when my friend found out that I get 30 days holiday per year from my work she was pretty shocked to be honest. It won't be an issue for me though. The fact that I am over there working & meeting new people in new places is more than enough of a vacation for me to be honest. I like how this BUNAC thing seems to offer me the freedom to do what I want, rather than travel in a group wherever they tell me to go. So what do you do anyway? Did you immigrate to Canada or have you always lived there?