Reason: My NOC wasnt in the per the detailed response in mail i received from Cenmtralised INtake office Nova scotia is mentioned below word by word as received

[b]"you have not in ur application that u have an arranged employment offer OR that you are legally residing in canada for atleat one year as a temporary foreign worker OR an international student. YOur application has therefore been assesed on the basis of weather u have work experience in the list of occupations eligible for processing. The occupations are identified by codes described in NOC"......
"FOr the reason outlined above, our application does not meet the requirements of the ministerialinstrauctions and your application is not eligible for processing. The fees that you have paid are refundable. You will receive a check with in 8 to 12 weeksat the address provided in your application.[/b]
[b]"you have not in ur application that u have an arranged employment offer OR that you are legally residing in canada for atleat one year as a temporary foreign worker OR an international student. YOur application has therefore been assesed on the basis of weather u have work experience in the list of occupations eligible for processing. The occupations are identified by codes described in NOC"......
"FOr the reason outlined above, our application does not meet the requirements of the ministerialinstrauctions and your application is not eligible for processing. The fees that you have paid are refundable. You will receive a check with in 8 to 12 weeksat the address provided in your application.[/b]