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IMM 5786E - Financial Evaluation Q3 - A and B

Jul 10, 2017

I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me with this.
My father is currently with me in Canada under the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. I'm working on his Permanent Residency application (as we got selected to apply this year).
In the IMM5786E Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Form - Question 3.
A) For the current undertaking (since I am sponsoring him with this application) I enter 1 - correct?
B) question i) Number of persons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor that are still in effect - do I also enter 1 here again, even though it's for the same person? In this case, my previous undertaking is sponsoring my Dad who is on the Super Visa.

So as you can see, I'm a little confused if I should put 1 in both places for the same person in this case. Any advice / help is appreciated! Thanks

Helena R

Hero Member
Jul 3, 2017
Hi there,

I wish I could help you but I don´t know anything about this subject.
Maybe you should check if there is a Parent & Grandparents section in this forum and post your question there.
Jul 10, 2017
Hi there,

I wish I could help you but I don´t know anything about this subject.
Maybe you should check if there is a Parent & Grandparents section in this forum and post your question there.

Thanks Helena. I did post this question in a specific PGP forum too. No one has responded yet. I guess I'm going to go with what I think is best. It is for the same person, so there is no reason to put 1 in both places and count as "2".

Helena R

Hero Member
Jul 3, 2017
Hi there,

I think yesterday I read about another question very similar to your, and someone replied. So you could try in the search bar to see if you find posts about this. Or else in the Guide on CIC website, you can check if it explains how to fill out the the forms. If you haven´t done this yet.