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IMM 5604 Question


Star Member
Jul 13, 2016
Job Offer........
Hi all,

I am applying pnp pr this month and I have the following scenario:

•I have an IMM5604 signed and notarized by my spouse's ex husband since September 2015.
•divorce does state the child will be living with the mother but both parents have custody
•we have a notarized document stating the mother will be exercising full guardianship of the minor. This was due to the fact they are no longer living in the same country as her ex-husband.

My question is

how long does the IMM5604 is valid for? One year, two years etc or would I need a more recent one? BTW he move to a nother country as well so we have not heard from him since the signed document.
Would the notarized be sufficient for cic to approve pr for the Minor?

I would really appreciate your feedback. Thanks