Hi. On the signatures section in IMM 1344 form there is a co-signers signature required as well as the sponsor's and the principal applicant's signatures. If there's no co-signer, shall I just leave this row blank or put N/A? Thanks.
Hi. On the signatures section in IMM 1344 form there is a co-signers signature required as well as the sponsor's and the principal applicant's signatures. If there's no co-signer, shall I just leave this row blank or put N/A? Thanks.
Yeah I left it blank[/QUOTE
Just one more question...on the IMM 5406 Additional family information there are tables where they ask to list all children and siblings. Under the section Siblings I'm going to list only my sister therefore the other 3 rows are going to be blank. Is it ok to leave them blank or would it be better to put N/A there just to assure them that I don't have no other siblings or that I didn't magically forgot to put them on those tables? Maybe it's a silly question but just making sure I do everything correct...