Hi, hope you can help me with my situation right now.
1. My friend who is the main applicant forgot to declared her step children, but filled out and declared the form under her common law partner as they are his son. Is there a chance that the PR application will return to them?
2. If returned, are her step children needs to submit birth certificates to prove that they are really the clp’s sons? Btw, the step children are in there 30s already.
Thank you!
1. My friend who is the main applicant forgot to declared her step children, but filled out and declared the form under her common law partner as they are his son. Is there a chance that the PR application will return to them?
2. If returned, are her step children needs to submit birth certificates to prove that they are really the clp’s sons? Btw, the step children are in there 30s already.
Thank you!