PLEASE STOP wasting your time coming to Canada if you are a Doctor . The only place you will get a job is at Mc Donald's and I am not joking. The exam system has had some reform this year but before you cry yippee, it is just a façade. The only thing you can try to get into when you get your academic record straight, that is retaking courses like basic sciences and so forth because I am sure most of you have done that eons ago, you can try going to Nursing school . But even there you will have problems because as soon they know you are a Dr, they start singling you out as overqualified, an independent thinker, etc. If you lie about who you are , that means you have to restart your college education to mask your degree. Sure there are other jobs around but with your MD degree, they will judge you overqualified and know eventually you will leave because you want to work as a Dr. They do not know the rugged process which is near impossible to accomplish. SO PLEASE whatever your condition, unless you are ready to do anything besides being in medicine, DO NOT IMMIGRATE HERE. Even if you do make it eventually as a Nurse, you will curse your existence everyday being in the hospital and seeing people more stupid than you working as Drs . Do not believe any adverts saying Canada needs Drs...…..THIS IS NOT TRUE
I am hoping a lot of people will agree with you, if they are very ambitious young people like yourself.
If an immigrant IMG has decided to stay in Canada than one day he/she will face the reality that this is my country and I need to make a living to support myself and my family. Now all the wealth I was running behind is actually not achievable so what should I do ? It is a good food for thought. Probably a lot of smart young IMG's will leave and go back to their home countries....... I would love to know the Canadian statistics on this.
In my personal experience, I know many IMG's who are still in Canada and not planing to go anywhere, despite their inability to become physicians.
So does that make them inferior human beings ? Are we thinking IMG's are not contributing to Canadian society or taking too much away ?
As we live and work in Canada, we contribute to the society on daily basis isn't it.
Sometimes IMG's come from countries where other professions are not looked very well upon, mainly because those professions for example nursing are not very well paid in their home countries. Now lets assume a doctor in a developing country makes 1000$/month and Nurse might make 100$/month. Who would like to become a nurse in that country.... not many people right !
Canada cannot be compared to those countries, where wage and professional disparity is super high. If you have a good profession in Canada, you will not be poor. But if you will remain undecided than poverty is not very far away.....
Vinover - Looks like you have some experience with nursing. But as a proud nurse and IMG, I do not agree with your opinion. Nursing in Canada is very advanced, nurses are highly respected and well paid professionals. Canadians trust Nurses more than physicians. Nurses are literally running hospitals/clinics in Canada. Especially in Remote locations where no MD is willing to work. It is an exciting profession with many opportunities of work in various fields.
If I wanted to help people and take care of people than nursing is a wonderful profession and best choice.
I am not trying to disrespect any other HCP. Physicians, nurses and other HCW are working together as a team and we have one goal i.e. to take care of the sick people and help people in their difficult times.
In Canada all professionals are respected and valued.
It is also highly competitive to get into Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy schools in Canada.
Also being overqualified is an advantage for IMG's. Once you are in the Canadian health care work force you will realise and understand the advantages with time.
Cheers !