at this minute im going threw the crimanil rehabilitation process and things seem to being going very good for me . im from ireland born and bread and still lifeing in ireland at this very moment .im engaged to my wounderful women julie who is a canadian citizen and who is with me in ireland but were planing on lifeing in canada as it would suit us both better . the problem is we dont wont to get married just yet becuse we wont to save and have a nice wedding when the time is right . but the only way for me to enter canada to life and work is if we get married and she can sponsour me . we wont to move to canada as soon as possible becuse there is no work here in ireland and things are very hard for us both and we cant keep traveling back and forword visiting each other all the time as its very exspensive for us both. we have talked about me and her going somewere and haveing a wee cheap wedding and later down the line when time is right we will have a proper wedding as we both planed . will immagration think bad of this and maybe refuse me . thank you