"Strict quality control procedures are in place to protect the integrity and security of the IELTS test. As part of these procedures, test results are routinely analysed by the IELTS Test Partners before they are issued to candidates.
As a result of these procedures, your test scores for the 25/06/2016 have come under scrutiny and are being investigated. Your results are being withheld while this investigation is being conducted. Please note that all investigations are conducted without prejudice by the IELTS Test Partners.
The declaration on the IELTS application form that you agreed to includes the following statement: 'I understand that my results may not be issued 13 days after the test if any of the IELTS Test Partners deem it necessary to review any matter associated with my test'
Should you wish to offer any information that may support your test performance on 25/06/2016, please send a scanned handwritten statement to BC centres : KSAINFO@sa.britishcouncil.org within 14 days of the date of this letter. A template has been provided with this letter for you to use. Your statement must be written in English in your own handwriting and signed by you."
Dear Gents,
I received above email from IELTS, they're asking me to send them information that may support my test scores. Can anyone tell me that what should I write and for which specific module?
Has anyone faced this situation earlier. Thanks in advace.
Best Regards,
Khurram Afzal