accounts said:
I wanna add Blue boy, Score high for Interview waiver...
Note that scoring high in Language tests will not eliminate the need for an interview, if one is needed or required.
Officers may no longer assess language proficiency at interview; rather, they must either:
a) rely on the results of a test done by an approved testing organization as conclusive
evidence of an applicant's level of language proficiency (R79(1)(a)) (refer to Section
10.5); or
b) evaluate written evidence of proficiency submitted by the applicant against the
Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 / Standards linguistiques canadiens 2006
(R79(1)(b)) (refer to Section 10.10).
Also , for the information of those who would like to resit the IELTS to acquire high points:
Note: Points for the applicant's language proficiency are generally awarded according to evidence
provided at the time the application is made.
However, if further study, training,or testing is
completed and documentation submitted between the time of application and the time of
assessment, officers will use the most current results to determine point allocations. In terms of
designated language test results, officers will NOT select the highest score for each language
ability from a variety of test score submissions. It is always the most recent group of tests that will
be considered by officer as it is the most current assessment of the applicant's four language
taken from op6e.pdf
Hope this helps.