nizamani9 said:
If someone get LOA not the conditional one but he still requires Ielts to apply for student visa to CHC Islamabad.
As far as i know there ain't requirement of Ielts mentioned in checklist of documents nor its mentioned in any form of student visa applying from Pakistan.
So I haven't got any reply on weather Ielts is required or not? If someone is applying without Ielts and having LOA can he get student visa?
Hope senoirs will reply me.
1. Actually, you want everyone to declare that IELTS is not required for CHC Islamabad. And, you are very much aware that IELTS is required.
2. Without IELTS expect refusal if;
: you are an average student with average grades/marks.
: you are applying for an UG/PG diploma/certificate program in a school/university.
: your overall profile is average.
3. We have two members (happygarcha & arun2012) without IELTS + approved visa. Still IELTS is absolutely must for South Asian applicants. Your IELTS show/prove your 'level of establishment'. Your admission with/without IELTS is purely based on your "educational profile", but your visa is a matter of your "overall profile". If still in doubt, apply without IELTS.