Here you go guys.......
I will post updated full answers as my mind will crawl and find some other hidden answers........
Listening - Section - 1-lady want to hire a room in a hotel
Fifth ( the floor room available in exchange hotel)
Limerick(the other hotel than the exchange hotel)
Garden ( a small garden view)
65% ( of the total amount has to be paid 10 days before booking date)
04428611 (don't call direct line rather call in his mobile)
Saturday(Call on saturday)
Listening - Research paper writing on children
Give it to the professor(for him to verify once they write the paper)
Contact the administrator(for something)
Videoing-can be used as a technique later while they will be teachers.
Questionairre - teacher can be more honest.
Web reasearch- ???
Listening - Section 3 - New Branson Scenic Railway.
No more iron ore( the railway closed in
Local businessman(owned the railway after 65 years ran by some volunteers)
Playground for children ( Newst addition)
Irevile station ---???
Some other station ---???
Listening - Section 4- Fashion and Cotton industry
Wash (water waste)
Cleaning ( separate cleaning needed for different instruments)
Protective clothing ( workers does not have )
Reading Section- 2 - Free Housing
Local government ( apart from the charity house local government share the housing cost)
Income ( is the other criteria apart from residency to get a house)
Different area( in case they can not get a house in their preferred location as mentioned in form)
Numbered receipt( will be sent or given to the applicant for house after they submit the form)
One month( they should wait before contacting what happend with form and in case they did not get numbered receipt)
Interpreter(if applicant need special arrangement)
Meeting(applicant will attend a meeting to know the rules in details)
Reading - Section 3 - New hiring package
Initial week( during that they should completed reading the orientation package)
Package ( the web address is mentioned in page nine)
Payroll(if any discrepancy occurs in salary)
Reading - Section - 4 - Navigation
succesful use of instrument for east and west positions - possibly B (may be C too) but it is the pass where they use sandwatch for time and weeds on the water to measure speed.
lack of knowledge on how to use instrument - C ( in the context of using loadstone without realising that it's showing polar north)
Better instrument to judge depth than sound-reed-E (lead line technique. Columbus was mentioned in that para)
Concept of knot - E again.(lead line technique and Columbus was mentioned in that para)
True (In land the instrument is effective to calculate latitude)
Not given -The maps are beautiful
False-Sets direction in night using moon(the do that but North star not moon)
Viking - used animal instinct
Chinese - use loadstone only when they can not see sun or moon due to lack of visibility.
Greek - used some aid in voyage as a form of fire on mountains
Italian- has some maps with trade secret
Writing- Task 1
Write a letter to your landlord about some damage thr apartment you rented from him.
Writing - Task -2
Some prople think that some criminals should not be sent to prison( is it correct that they should not be sent to prison??) they should work unpaid for community.