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IELTS dated after November 28, 2008 - Please radical solution


Apr 6, 2009
Anyone have an old application and submite IELTS dated after November 28, 2008
and get points based on the new rules !!!!??

Please seniors help me on that

my application date in 11-2007 i received request for update my documents May-2009
i have my IELTS in May-2009 as well
if they will assist me on the new rules then i'll achive the 67 point otherwise if they assist on old ruls then it will be really problem .....

im still have time but im not sure if my next try to will get (two 7 and two five) as i did this exam 3 times now
and always get 6 - 6.5 in most cases :-s

and as you know its very expensive exam and to find date it takes 2 months

so, please if anyone has the same case and earn the IELTS points based on any system send me
as i heared many opinions about that some people say it will be based on new and others says it will be based on old rules !!!!

I asked consultant and he told me MAY they will assist based on new or old (very helpful :mad: )


Apr 6, 2009
Thanks for your replay

i read it and per my understanding that they will give me according to new roles.

but im afraid after all they will use the old system with me as i don’t know any one like my case

i need a live case, if any one face this please post

if the officer make the old system can i make objection ??


VIP Member
May 21, 2009
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Correction: The manual states that; (applications received or test reports dated after November 28, 2008)

So if your test date is after Nov 2008, IO will use new rules.