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IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion


Jul 4, 2018
Hi, the map one at the I think "studio" was difficult anyone still remember what they put in for listening?
As you enter to the right reception first answer was the "cafeteria" which I think was C because you look straight into it bit to left? Then next to toilet the "store room" think that was A and then "training room" end off corridor B which is left, not sure what was next but I think it was D next to main recording room and the the waiting room which was E just behind the reception.

Let me know what you think or you got?


Jul 4, 2018
Exactly. In passage it only mentioned that the pass cannot be used for certain ferries, but it was not mentioned if a separate ticket has to be purchased or not?
I also agree with this as they only mentioned you cannot use the ticket on specific ferries no where they mention you have to buy another ticket