Hello all,
This was mentioned in another thread but I thought it deserved it's own one; why is it possible that I am an excellent candidate for Permanent Residence but not for a Working Holiday visa according to the questionnaire?
Apparently a few years ago, having affiliations with companies and colleges was not such a bottleneck for this program. I even tried filling in the questionnaire by putting in that I actually had a job offer (I don't) and I still wasn't eligible. I've never applied for IEC WH before.
Thing is, I have the equivalent of over $30 000 Canadian, a PhD, UK passport, 30 years old (so just made it), no dependents, 2 years teaching experience and want to teach over there. I'm almost 3 months into my PR application and want a back up application just in case, if I can.
Has it just become so niche now or did this happen a while ago?
*Answers to questionnaire: IEC Travel & Work>Less than 6 months>I'm not affiliated with any schools/colleges/programs>>>ineligible.*
This was mentioned in another thread but I thought it deserved it's own one; why is it possible that I am an excellent candidate for Permanent Residence but not for a Working Holiday visa according to the questionnaire?
Apparently a few years ago, having affiliations with companies and colleges was not such a bottleneck for this program. I even tried filling in the questionnaire by putting in that I actually had a job offer (I don't) and I still wasn't eligible. I've never applied for IEC WH before.
Thing is, I have the equivalent of over $30 000 Canadian, a PhD, UK passport, 30 years old (so just made it), no dependents, 2 years teaching experience and want to teach over there. I'm almost 3 months into my PR application and want a back up application just in case, if I can.
Has it just become so niche now or did this happen a while ago?
*Answers to questionnaire: IEC Travel & Work>Less than 6 months>I'm not affiliated with any schools/colleges/programs>>>ineligible.*