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IEC - Declaring a Dual Training System in the Education History?


Jun 27, 2019

I hope I'm in the right forum.

At the moment I'm applying for a working holiday visum, but one of the forms really confuses me.

I have to declarate my Work and Education history and in the Education history I have to name the school / institution where I got my post secondary education.

The problem is that I have an apprenticeship I want to declarate and because I'm from Germany it's one of the 'dual Training system'-apprenticeships where I were trained at a company and went to a school to get my degree.

Now I'm really confused: Do I have to name the company I were trained at or the school I got my degree from? Or do I have to fill the form twice - once with the name of the school and once with the name of my employer?

Thanks in advance

Edit: my brother just reminded me that my degree wasn’t issued by the school either. So actually the degree was issued by a third Partie - the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. So do I have to mention that too?
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