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IEC 2014 - International Experience Canada


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014
Hi there,

I need some help please. About me: My Working Holiday WP is about to expire in September this year. I have a good job here and my contract has been extended in mid of May effective June 28. Therefore I applied at the end of May for the Young Professionals category. IEC said I will be assessed within 14 days. Though received the Conditional Acceptance Letter yesterday. So it takes about 1.5 months for a decision and you can't send them a message asking them about your current stand as mentioned in the Notification Letter, just by the way because I read some posts.

Anyway, I've created a MyCIC account now and I'm surprinsingly struggling with the first document -.- I've read in this threat before, that Current Country of Residence should be, in my case, Germany.

I believe in this case under the section "Contact Information" I should use my German Adress for both "current mailing adress" and "residential adress"? Can anybody confirm this?

My next problem is the part of "Employment". Since I'm already working in Canada and my extension is already effective do I have to indicate my current position though I'm "officially" applying from Germany?

Thanks in advance for your help! Much appreciated!



Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
Hey Toby or whoever can help ;)

I'm in the same situation as some other Germans here I guess. I was on the waiting list and just got a YP spot, so I am uploading my documents. Just some question, how you did it?

- Resume: exact same form = only two Education and two Work Expirience paragraphs or are we welcome to put more in?
- Resume: What's my 'current address' here in the resume? My mailing address or residency. I already live in Canada...
- Job Contract: Is there a minimum of working hours - does the jon have to be full time (44 hours)?

Looking forward to get in touch with people in the same boat!

Thanks for your answers in advance!


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014
Hey Resa,

maybe I can tell you how I did it since I've already received my "Conditional Acceptance Letter". I hope you're talking about IEC.

-Resume: exact same form = 2x education; 2x experience - I personally haven't added more - it was 1 page and I only mentioned my current job in Canada and 1 German job that had a link to my current job ;)
-Current adress: I gave them my Canadian adress - you can be honest with IEC :)
-Job Contract: No idea about minimum working hours. I have 37.5 hours (full time) but I don't believe this is mandatory for IEC.



Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
Thanks Chris!

just spent 5 hours to change my status from worker to visitor...I'm beginning to feel like a visa nerd! But no end in sight, gotta finish my IEC now...

So I worked on a Temporary Foreign Work Permit for 6 months...now two months off and then hopefully back with the YP. So I should probably put that job in plus my last german one right?

And any tipps for the justification letter? Does it aquire a certain form?


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014
You're welcome Resa!

Why should you change your status to visitor?? The work permit is valid for a year though!

Give you current Canadian job and the German job that demonstrates the link between the current canadian and the former german job.

Keep your Justification Letter simple.

I think I've started like: Mu current job...


Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
Thanks Chris

Yeah my first permit was just for 6 month. We got an positive LMO for it and at that time the LMO guy told us its easier if we just go for 6 month (we didnt have to advertise). Hence the visitor visa right now...

I just finished my justification letter - for some reason I had in mind it shouldnt be longer than 2500 signs, only to find out right now its only 250 words!! So all the polite formal stuff gets crossed off again and I'm trying to keep it simple but reasonable...its hard!

Can I ask you this? Are you still in your home country or already in Canada? I just read in another post that someone got rejected their YP because they put in Canada at the MyCIC account as their current residence ... because it acutally says "if you re currently in Canada put in Canada!!!" ...so obviously that what I put in too...now I'm confused and scared...


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014
Hey Resa,

Yeah I'm in Canada. I had to change the MyCIC account that I'm currently in Germany. I mean it makes sense because we're applying for a work permit "made outside of Canada".

Can't HR help you w/ the justification letter? Btw what's your profession that you got an LMO? For such sort of WP you usually don't need an LMO...

And just create a MyCIC account if you got accepted by IEC! So wait for it.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
Hey Chris, thanks for all your help, just saw your other post, where I kinda sked the same.

I needed and LMO for high skilled worker..because last year I missed the IEC chance. I doubt that I would get a positive LMO again though since the rules got way more strict.

Soo... I already created an MyCIC account, since I needed to apply for a Visitor Visa from inside Canada...so I put that in. So I have to change that now...but my visitor visa is not trough yet! So I probably should wait till I get feedback from IEC I guess

ahhhhh so confusing!


Jul 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
hey guys,

i started a thread about my situation a couple days ago and then i found this one so i figure it's probably best to just post in here! I'm an Australian, I'm currently on my second WHV which will end in November 2014 and I want to know if I can apply for a third consecutive visa. Does the 4 year maximum rule apply to me (i would include a link but this forum wont let me, the page im referring to is on the CIC website under "four year maximum)? I know that the poster who responded in my original thread directed me to the official IEC website and no where is this rule mentioned there but I just worry that I'm going to bother applying for a third visa and be denied because I will have been working in Canada for 4 years. At the time that I had originally posted I couldn't find any reference to this 4 year maximum but I've just found it today and now I'm worried again! ???

Four-year maximum – Work in Canada

Most people can come to Canada to work for a maximum of four years. If you are currently working or plan to work in Canada, you should keep track of the total time you have worked and plan to work in Canada. Once you have completed four years of work as a temporary foreign worker in Canada, you will not be eligible to work in Canada again until another period of four years has passed.

Before you are eligible to work again in Canada, you will need to spend four consecutive years either:

outside of Canada; or
in Canada but not working ( i.e. with legal status as a visitor or student).

At that point, you can apply for a work permit and you can start another four years of working in Canada.

Find out if and how the four-year maximum affects you.
Is this information only referring to non-IEC participants? When I try to find out how it affects me not much more information is revealed. classic government move ::)

Thanks for any help in advance!


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014

if you're a German citizen you don't need any visa at all :D Just stay here under implied status and withdraw your application from CIC if possible!


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014

You might have 2 choices that I can't confirm unfortunately. As an Australian you may have special rights as both, Australia and Canada are in the Commonwealth of Nations. Otherwise if you have already been working here for 4 years you might should think about immigration?? ;)

I've heard you can apply for immigration after 2 years living in Canada.



Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
T.O. said:

if you're a German citizen you don't need any visa at all :D Just stay here under implied status and withdraw your application from CIC if possible!
On the phone I was called I need to extend my visitor visa (IMM5708) either online for 100$ or drive to the border and re-entry. At that point, I didnt have sent all my IEC documents in, so I was in the quota but I don't think that counted as an implied status...

Maybe I should withdraw it now...I wonder if I could get my money back...


Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
oh and also: Do I need a police certificate for the second stage of the YP Process? Like after I received the conditional acceptance letter? Whats this Come to Canada Wizard everyone is talking about?


Full Member
Jul 10, 2014
Oh I see... Implied Status is when you're waiting for a decision by CIC. So didn't work out for you that way.

This is what I've found on kanada.de "Deutsche Staatsangehörige benötigen für die Einreise nach Kanada als Besucher kein Visum."

But did you have a visitor visa before? Then you might have to extend this. Or go to the US and do flagpooling. You save $100.. Yeah 8)

For stage 2 for MyCIC you need a police certificate that is not older than 3 months!

When you do stage 2 MyCIC are you going to indicate your Canadian Employment History?


Full Member
Jul 14, 2014
I never thought about the second stage really, sind I just finished the first one. I mean in my resume, on my passport and everywhere it clearly shows that I already worked here. Do you think thats a problem?

I hope I can get a police certificate withouth being in Germany. Did you?