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ICT Visa validity.


Star Member
Oct 10, 2015

Can anyone on this forum please advise what is the maximum duration that an ICT Visa is issued for the first time?

I have been reading around and have mixed responses. In some areas of the CIC site it says 'an initial period of one year' whereas some have got it for longer durations. Please share your experiences.

If the duration is upto the applicant, then how long can it be requested for in the application?



VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
optimus1509 said:

Can anyone on this forum please advise what is the maximum duration that an ICT Visa is issued for the first time?

I have been reading around and have mixed responses. In some areas of the CIC site it says 'an initial period of one year' whereas some have got it for longer durations. Please share your experiences.

If the duration is upto the applicant, then how long can it be requested for in the application?

from what i understand and others may correct but initial period would be 3 years with possibility one extension of 2 years for specialised knowledge to total 5 years or 2 extensions of 2years each for executives to total 7 years max
Also see here