I just applied for an ECA at ICAS.
Now I read the document requirements on the following page:
www dot icascanada dot ca/fsw/requiredgeneral.aspx
Here it doesn't state I need to send originals.
And in the Official Records Request Form it says the following:
Complete and submit to ICAS the “Document Submission Form” (included in the confirmation e-mail you receive from
ICAS) indicating the records that will be sent directly to ICAS by your institution(s). Submit photocopies of your
documents to ICAS including the graduation diploma(s), transcript/statements of marks and translations if applicable.
(ICAS’ processing time begins when all required documents are received in our office including all records on the
Document Submission Form.)
Am I correct that I can just send photocopies of both my Degree and my English translation?
And that the institution has to send an original transcript in a sealed envelope?
Now I read the document requirements on the following page:
www dot icascanada dot ca/fsw/requiredgeneral.aspx
Here it doesn't state I need to send originals.
And in the Official Records Request Form it says the following:
Complete and submit to ICAS the “Document Submission Form” (included in the confirmation e-mail you receive from
ICAS) indicating the records that will be sent directly to ICAS by your institution(s). Submit photocopies of your
documents to ICAS including the graduation diploma(s), transcript/statements of marks and translations if applicable.
(ICAS’ processing time begins when all required documents are received in our office including all records on the
Document Submission Form.)
Am I correct that I can just send photocopies of both my Degree and my English translation?
And that the institution has to send an original transcript in a sealed envelope?