Dear All,
My ICAS status is
09/03/2014 Assessment in Progress
07/04/2014 Application reviewed for completeness and placed in queue for assessment
06/23/2014 Application Received
Since september 03 the status is still same. I managed to call them and they said that "your case has been forwarded to senior evaluator for additional research on my program/degree and probably he might contact me although they are not able to comment how long it may take.
I have 2 years Bachelor degree in computer science followed by one year post graduate dimploma (PGD) and then Master degree in IT. My PGD is of 59 Credit hours. My university converted my PGD into Master degree by teaching us additional courses and we have written a thesis of 6 Cr hrs too. As a result now my master degree consist of 33 Cr hrs (14 Cr hrs transferred from PGD and 19 Cr hrs taught in master) as they had only picked 5 courses from PGD out of 20 courses. Moreover we havent awarded with PGD certifiacte as it was transferred although we have been awarded with degree in the end.
I believe that at minimum I should get point for three years post secondry education if not for four years post secondry eduaction.
I would like to ask you does anyone of you have gone through such situation? ICAS is not willing to disclose the twist in my case nor they have contacted me through email. I am really frustrated as I am afraid such delay will jeopardize my chance to apply coz cap will reach sooon.
Any advice?
My ICAS status is
09/03/2014 Assessment in Progress
07/04/2014 Application reviewed for completeness and placed in queue for assessment
06/23/2014 Application Received
Since september 03 the status is still same. I managed to call them and they said that "your case has been forwarded to senior evaluator for additional research on my program/degree and probably he might contact me although they are not able to comment how long it may take.
I have 2 years Bachelor degree in computer science followed by one year post graduate dimploma (PGD) and then Master degree in IT. My PGD is of 59 Credit hours. My university converted my PGD into Master degree by teaching us additional courses and we have written a thesis of 6 Cr hrs too. As a result now my master degree consist of 33 Cr hrs (14 Cr hrs transferred from PGD and 19 Cr hrs taught in master) as they had only picked 5 courses from PGD out of 20 courses. Moreover we havent awarded with PGD certifiacte as it was transferred although we have been awarded with degree in the end.
I believe that at minimum I should get point for three years post secondry education if not for four years post secondry eduaction.
I would like to ask you does anyone of you have gone through such situation? ICAS is not willing to disclose the twist in my case nor they have contacted me through email. I am really frustrated as I am afraid such delay will jeopardize my chance to apply coz cap will reach sooon.
Any advice?