Ah, okay, so MICC will send us a copy. And I can check later with CIC to make sure they got it. You still haven't been fully approved as his sponsor yet, have you?
As much as it increases my anxiety, reading a bunch on here yesterday has been really helpful. It may help me avoid some delays, as I haven't yet requested my FBI/police certificate, and I read that waiting until CIC requests payment of the RPRF might delay things, too. I'll request the FBI certificate soon, and then once Q (husband) is approved as my sponsor, we'll pay the RPRF to hopefully avoid any delays. Still trying to figure out if I should just do my medical ASAP or wait for a request from CIC. Soooo many little details, and we were SO clueless when we started this process! I really wish I'd sought out this forum and done some reading before we got started. Would have saved us two months in the beginning, since we screwed up and only sent in the sponsorship materials (the Quebec stuff confused us).