The Case Processing Centre in Mississauga will continue to hold the associated Application for
Permanent Residence awaiting the submission of a completed Schedule A Background Declaration
form (IMM5669).
A request has or will be sent directly to the principal applicant with instructions outlining the
requirements for submission of the Schedule A to CPC-Mississauga. If your principal applicant or their
representative has not yet received this request, or an invitation to link their application to My CIC, it
will be sent in the next 5 business days. Your PA or their representative should also check their junk
mail in the email account provided at the time of application submission.
Separate Schedule A forms, bearing signatures, must be completed by the applicant, and by all
dependent family members 18 years of age or older (whether accompanying or not).
Upon receipt of the completed Schedule A form(s), the Application for Permanent Residence for your
relative(s) will be sent to a visa office for processing. The visa office will be selected based on your
relative’s home address and the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; a
confirmation letter will be sent to you when the application is sent to the visa office, informing you of
the visa office selected.
To re-iterate, the completed Schedule A form(s) must be received at this office within 30 days of the
original request that was sent to your sponsored family member(s) (or their representative).
Permanent Residence awaiting the submission of a completed Schedule A Background Declaration
form (IMM5669).
A request has or will be sent directly to the principal applicant with instructions outlining the
requirements for submission of the Schedule A to CPC-Mississauga. If your principal applicant or their
representative has not yet received this request, or an invitation to link their application to My CIC, it
will be sent in the next 5 business days. Your PA or their representative should also check their junk
mail in the email account provided at the time of application submission.
Separate Schedule A forms, bearing signatures, must be completed by the applicant, and by all
dependent family members 18 years of age or older (whether accompanying or not).
Upon receipt of the completed Schedule A form(s), the Application for Permanent Residence for your
relative(s) will be sent to a visa office for processing. The visa office will be selected based on your
relative’s home address and the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; a
confirmation letter will be sent to you when the application is sent to the visa office, informing you of
the visa office selected.
To re-iterate, the completed Schedule A form(s) must be received at this office within 30 days of the
original request that was sent to your sponsored family member(s) (or their representative).