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I need some help

Sofia rendon

Jan 30, 2018
I am from Venezuela as you know venezuela is going through a very strong crisis, food medicine and deaths. and Venezuela is a dictator government coropto. my robbed more than 3 times has threatened me. horrible location of the country and I have a chilld my life is dangerous in my country i already have vistoe visa to canada . So what you advice me , and if i got rejected to refregue they will earse my visitor visa or ?


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
You will either need to get a TRV and apply in Canada or leave Venezuela and apply as a refugee in a third country to the UNHCR. If you manage to get to Canada and your claim is rejected, you would be sent back to Venezuela. Any chance of returning to Canada after that would be slim. Your TRV would be cancelled when you apply in Canada and your passport seized. In order to bring your child to Canada you will need the fathers approval or full legal custody.


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2017
Your passport will be seized as soon as you make a refugee claim in canada. It will be returned back to you on the day you become a landed immigrant (permanent resident). Bear in mind that if your refugee claim is rejected. Any visas you have on your passport will be automatically cancelled and you will sent back to your country. Goodluck

Sofia rendon

Jan 30, 2018
Ok 1st i must go to the office and ask for refregue if iam in canada ok the offcier determine if i can cliam or no if i cant apply or cliam or refregue also they will cancel my visa or only if irc reject my cliamed i will be depart from canada,

Sofia rendon

Jan 30, 2018
when i apply for refreguee the offcier eill determine if iam eligible to apply Of no if till me that i cant apply then they will take my visa or only when i go to hering and i got rejected


Star Member
Oct 27, 2017
Your passport will be seized as soon as you make a refugee claim in canada. It will be returned back to you on the day you become a landed immigrant (permanent resident). Bear in mind that if your refugee claim is rejected. Any visas you have on your passport will be automatically cancelled and you will sent back to your country. Goodluck
Pls are u sure any visa on ur passport will be cancelled even if the visas are not canadian visa . Does canada have the right to cancel another country’s visa after rejectn the refugee clain ?

Sofia rendon

Jan 30, 2018
Ok 1st i must go to the office and ask for refregue if iam in canada ok the offcier determine if i can cliam or no if i cant apply or cliam or refregue also they will cancel my visa or only if irc reject my cliamed i will be depart from canada,


Star Member
Feb 11, 2016
Sofia los chances de que Canada le otorgue el refugio son muy bajos.

El sistema de refugio esta diseñado para gente que esta huyendo de situaciones humanitairas terribles, como la guerra en Siria, Irak, Afghanistan, o gente que esta siendo perseguida por su gobierno. En el caso de venezuela, la unica manera de solicitar refugio es demostrando que usted es perseguida por el gobierno, por ejemplo, por ser de la oposicion.

Toda la poblacion en Venezuela esta pasando por lo mismo que usted esta sufriendo, falta de alimentos, falta de comida, corrupcion, inseguridad, y por mas malo que este la situacion, estos no son argumentos suficientes para obtener el refugio.

Mi sugerencia es que contacte un abogado en Canada primero y hable con el y le comente su caso. El abogado podra decirle si usted tiene buenos chances de obtener refugio o no.

Si su vida realmente esta corriendo peligro, le sugiero huir a Colombia, donde le estan dando refugio a los Venezonalos.

Por favor mire el siguiente video para que conozca mas el sistema de refugio de Canada:


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
Do you have a TRV from Canada now? Does your child have a TRV for Canada now? Do you have the fathers permission to take the child out of Venezuela or full legal custody?


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
Yes iam already in canada and yes i have both trv for me and mu child .
So, the first thing you should do is contact an immigration lawyer, legal aid or a refugee organization. They will help you with documents you will need and your basis of claim. Once that is done, you can go to an immigration office and make your claim. They will take your passport and they will cancel your Canadian visa. They will make you an appointment to attend a meeting to determine if your claim will be approved. It’s suppose to be done within 90 days, but expect it to be rescheduled (possibly up to 2 years from now) due to backlog. You will be able to remain in Canada until they decide if your claim is approved or not. The rest is just waiting.


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
Because you didn’t do your research first. Do you really think any country you claim refugee status in will let you back if your claim is rejected? If you claim refugee status in Canada, one of the first things you sign is a deportation order to remove you if your claim is rejected.
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