hi evry one here i need some unswer pls...so for example the visa office in paris take 8 months like time to process a pplication for pr so that mean is exactly 8 months no more so after 8 month they give the visa???or its take more than that???pls i need to know...i know some ppls here have experience with that so any one can help me...my application was recived the 27 june 2011 so if it will take 8 months time for proccesing that mean in the 28 of febrary 2012 i can get my visa inchallah or i need to weit more thnx for any one can respond me....
(i had interview last month jannery 17 and the visa office told me evry thing is ok and they accept me and they will call me in few weeks but i dont hear any thing yet its almost 1 month and a week so its normal?? so i need to weit till the 8 months finish????thnx a lots for unswer