First of all a big congrats to you JoacRy my friend

well done!
As per what you and our friend "Russian" explained me the other day, I have decided not to re-create my EE profile, instead just hold strong and go for TEF exam. Infact, when I see what options you had mentioned in your reply, I see the worst option is that you get a nomination from a province that you don't plan to live in! And as far as my knowledge about the PNPs go, the processing times of all the provinces - be it Ontario, Quebec or Sasketchwan are really high - even when they are running the parallel EE streams. I read somewhere that average processing times for Quebec (from day of application to landing) is somewhere around 24-30 months! And for State of Manitoba is around 18-24 months! Now, if that's true the entire purpose of EE is lost. I am sure 2016 will witness a beefed up EE draws and more frequent ones - which will surely bring the scores down
Hence, I wait for the day I receive my ITA. In the meanwhile, go for TEF and crack it in 1st attempt!
Wish me luck!