Sort out the loan issue, use the suggestions others have given you.
There is no appeal process, what you need to do is sit down and try and make your application more solid, sort out the loan issue, and apply again, that's all you can do.
Also have a plan B in place, apply to some other countries as well, if you really want to leave India. Good Luck.
Ok here their basically saying that given your qualifications and establishment in India, why are you going all the way to Canada for this course when similar courses can be found in India, officer thinks you likely won't come back either given your level of establishment in India. You've got to show them more proof that you'll come back, property, spouse, future job offers in India etc..??your qualification,previous studies,employment,level of establishment,other educational opportunities available in India or Canada,language abilities ,or your future prospects and plans.
There is no appeal process, what you need to do is sit down and try and make your application more solid, sort out the loan issue, and apply again, that's all you can do.
Also have a plan B in place, apply to some other countries as well, if you really want to leave India. Good Luck.