KhalRef said:
I think you got an ITA thats why you are talking like that, why you didn't comment on the one with CRS 649?!!! Is that guy a qualified one??? According to his experience and other criteria he jus t took 49!!??? Is this fair to you, please people who had an ITA just be hummbled no need to write essays and give us lessons, i was born as refugee and it seems i will die as refugee if this system remains the same.
I didn't comment on the CRS, because I have no idea what the applicant was applying as. Was the applicant a highly skilled doctor? A well established artist? Maybe a incredibly talented professional athlete? These are all things bring special and rare skills to Canada. It would definitely be a person that doesn't compete with Canadians for a job and brings in needed skills to the country. All excellent reasons for Canada to give the applicant extra points. So, yes, that applicant might be highly sought after and qualified.
You are judging someone without any knowledge about them and then jumping to conclusions. You have no idea what their qualifications are. How do you if they didn't bother to get an ECA because they already had the 600 points for a job? Maybe they have a doctorate? Maybe they have 20 years of foreign work experience and, again, didn't bother with listing it because they didn't need it. We just don't know.
While many people will feel sympathic towards your hard life, it is NOT Canada's job to take of you. They have every right to decide who they want in their country and it's up to us to find a way to qualify. Canada looks at what needs their country might have and how to fill thoses needs. It is a completely fair way to approach immigration.