mead said:
why do u think canadian is a best person for the job?
I don't.
No, as I said, 0.5% of the world's population is Canadian. Odds are that the Canadians will
not be the best person for the job almost every single time. Someone, somewhere else will be better almost always.
so ur saying u were not the best person for the job u got because of which u got lmia and PR?
Exactly. I was not the best person for the job. I was the best person they could find, and the
only qualified candidate that they could find. If they had found a single Canadian that was qualified, I would have been fired and replaced, which is exactly what is supposed to happen.
i can bet there would be a canadian who is qualified to do ur job.
There might be. They advertised all over the place trying to find him. They found two Canadians in their year or so of searching, and offered both of them jobs. They had both already been hired by other companies in the week or so it took to make an offer.
Hiring me was a huge pain, and the paperwork took forever, and cost thousands of dollars. They would really have preferred not to do it, but they were desperate.
so question is ur just defending canada because ur in the incroud now.
Hardly. I was defending Canada before I had P/R, and I will gladly defend merit-based immigration for any and every country on the planet. If I want to immigrate somewhere, it falls on me to meet their needs, not them to meet mine.
Not at all. I want to immigrate to Canada because of the things that make them great. What's hypocritical is to want to make Canada more like the place I left, or to open the immigration floodgates and make Canada more like other countries.
There's a reason people want to move to Canada more than other countries. What sense is there in making Canada less Canadian?
if a person is more qualified for the job then he should get it
I'd like you to consider something.
If you give every dollar you have to the poor, you become one of them, and there are still poor people. This is true even if you are Bill Gates. At some point, you have to draw a line, and where that line gets drawn is a matter of discussion.
Likewise, with immigration, if you permitted every single person on the planet to come to Canada, it would no longer be Canada. Accepting that, there's a line to be drawn, and one can rationally discuss where to draw it.
i wouldnt want to go to a doctor who is a doctor just because he is canadian and has skills of a mechanic
I wouldn't suggest doing that either. For you, personally, you should seek the best-qualified person within your budget. That's a separate matter entirely from what the government of Canada should do. The government of Canada should give priority to those they serve, Canadians. When there is truly a shortage of qualified candidates, then they should use immigration to fill that shortage while they work on increasing the number of qualified doctors to avoid future shortages.
The government of Canada doesn't need a world-renowned doctor to set a broken bone. If they do need a doctor, though, and no Canadian can be found that's qualified, they should certainly strive to get the world-renowned one. If immigration is necessary, get the best. If it's not necessary, don't do it.
just giving a job to someone substandard just because they r canadian is recipe for disaster
Hence the term qualified. They need to meet the standard, which is different from needing to be the best.