If you want to be able to take advantage of the 50 job offer points, there are really two options:Ahh ok gotcha.
So i will research about this LMIA. But i am sensing its not gonna be easy.Just to set things transparent, i am hopping onto a Product base company soon from this BIg 4 consulting. Hope it helps my cause as they are pretty flexible!!
1) Your employer in Canada gets an approved LMIA. This is a fairly long and involved process and many employers aren't willing to go through the effort. You can read more about the process here: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/median-wage/high/requirements.html
2) Your current employer moves you to a job in their Canadian operations under an ICT (intra company transfer) work permit. You then need to work for this employer in Canada for a full year before being able to claim the 50 points.