I recieved the below request letter:
This is in reference to your application for permanent residence to Canada.
All family members, whether accompanying or not, are required to undergo a medical exam, criminality and security clearances to ensure they are not inadmissible, pursuant to R70(1)(e).
70 (1) An officer shall issue a permanent resident visa to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national and their family members, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible.
Since the divorce proceeding has not been concluded, your separated spouse remains a family member as per R1(3)(a) for the purposes of examination requirements.
The only relief that is available for not meeting this requirement of the Act is based on humanitarian and compassionate circumstances. If you feel your situation warrants this relief, you must submit documentation to support your request. The onus is on you to substantiate your request for relief on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Humanitarian and compassionate relief is reserved for exceptional cases. If your request for humanitarian and compassionate relief is approved, be aware that you will not be able to sponsor your non-examined dependent(s) at later date as a member of the family class pursuant to section 117(9)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations which states:
117(9)(d) A foreign national shall not be considered a member of the family class by virtue of their relationship to a sponsor if subject to subsection (10), the sponsor previously made an application for permanent residence and became a permanent resident and, at the time of that application, the foreign national was a non-accompanying family member of the sponsor and was not examined.
Please sign the attached declaration acknowledging that you will not be able to sponsor him/her as a member of the family class in the future.
The above requested document must be received within 07 days of the day of this letter.