Hey all, I am back..

Thank you all for your sweet words.
mamita, in fact we haven't had the time yet to check for a temporary insurance, I will check for one next week, I have couple site to see, and Windsor is great, I will never go away, the people are so sweet, they treat me very well, and they have always a smile on their faces, what I love the most is that windsor is a very alive place, they keep partying until 1:00 am...

)) I like that, it is like I am in lebanon...
Marlena,miss you, how is everything, anything new from the Damscus? I hope you will be done soon, you still going in September to Lebanon?
The flight was very smooth, with some delay from lebanon, then some delay in Frunkfurt, we actualy waiting in the sun near the plane in frunkfurt, waiting the employee to finish cleaning the plane...it was funny..

What I was surprised from is that no one..and I mean no one was wearing a mask to protect himself from H1N1..??? I even didn't see the infra red machine that detect the temparature of our body..even in Lebanon we have one..

), I took mask with me, but didn't use it..
I started praying before landing by 2 hours..

) I wasn't scared, but I was worried that if I miss something or forget something...everyone was so nice and sweet and polite..it took 3 minute with the immigration, waited the bags for 30 minute,,,the custom only took the declaration card,,and welcome to canada..what a waste of time was making the list of goods and taking picture of my jewerly.
I think landing at 1 pm noon was the best issue, the airport was empty..
Toronto is as well very nice...what a hight building..

I already have my SIN number, next week I will go to health inssurance, and I will start going to a school to learn the driving rules in canda, that will be something for a girl that drive since 1999 ..in lebanon..

I will return in action over this forum very soon.
hope next time logg in, I will find some post saying .."we are done"