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I am Canadian sponsoring my wife living in China - permanent residence refused.


Mar 17, 2013
I really hurts, but how I can start this to explain and find the help?
How the Canadian offical in Beijing during the interview would take it so personally?
I feel, she really did.
The Canadian embassy officer in Beijing, she said she sees a problem with our relationship and she refused my wife canadian residence last week.
Honestly speaking I am not married only once before, I mean I married a Chinese woman before and sponsored her successfully, 8 years ago. My present wife never wish to know or even hear anything about or whom I was married, saying the past is past, why to dig in to it, So I said let's leave it for now, so we left like that never talking about till the day and time came on the interview and the official asked me if I told my wife about my previous 3 marriages, I said my wife does not wish to know about my past anything.
Truly, I wish to shear all my past relationships but my wife does not wish to know and she said the same to the interviewing official.
Now, we are not good, and I do not really know now, could that be the reason of the refusal?

So, we are fake couple because we do not wish to talk about the past?
We were married in Oct, 2012 till now still apart.
Honestly, as a immigrant myself who came 35 years ago to Canada I always believed and I believe in good relationship based on respect, love and intimacy but somehow never found it to be the way to last but I feel for it and desire to find and give the best to last forever.
Also, I am not young I am 60 years of age and I still desire to love and give the best of what love is about and I will fight for love to make sure that the one who is with me and loves me I love even more and I give the best to her of my heart till I die..

Yes, I wish to appeal. I can not imagine the things can go this way WHEN THERE IS TRUE LOVE BETWEEN US. We spent 500 days chatting always love on QQ all printed out and given all the rest and best about us and our love to the interview in Beijing embassy, and now such a disappointment, it truly hurts deeply.
Can someone tell me what is the best to do in this case ? I am nor sure if taking a lawyer is a solution but if so,, I will do it with lawyer.
Please Help.
Thank You.


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May 4, 2012
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I'm not at all surprised that your app was refused. You have several massive red flags. The fact that she refuses to hear anything about your past isn't normal. It strongly suggests that her relationship with you isn't genuine.

I seriously doubt an appeal would be successful.


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Dec 25, 2011
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Seems like a hard case to pass.

And since you have been denied once , it will be harder the second time around with or without a lawyer


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Feb 2, 2013
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canuck_in_uk said:
I'm not at all surprised that your app was refused. You have several massive red flags. The fact that she refuses to hear anything about your past isn't normal. It strongly suggests that her relationship with you isn't genuine.

I seriously doubt an appeal would be successful.
I agree that it's going to be very hard, now that the interview has failed. However, I see no obvious alternative to an appeal. If you resubmit a new application, it's likely to be seen in the same light as the refused one. Even if an interview went OK a second time with a new application, the visa officer could just claim that she had been trained to learn the correct answers.

In your position, given what you have said, I would immediately appeal.

If nothing else, it shows that you are determined... A couple that truly want to be together will fight the "system" with "tooth and nail".
One question that you must both answer, especially as it is now extremely relevant, is "What will you do if the application is refused?".


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Nov 7, 2012
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Eugenm said:
We were married in Oct, 2012 till now still apart.
A few general questions...
-What is the age gap between you and your wife?
-How long did you know each other, and how many times did you actually meet in person, before getting married in Oct 2012? Did you have a big or small wedding, and did yours and her family/friends attend?
-And since then, how often have you actually visited each other in person? You mentioned you have been apart since then, does that mean you haven't visited to see your wife even once since then?

I agree an appeal would be best, but need to be prepared for a long process. Also the time you've spent together in person could be a big issue.


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May 16, 2012
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canuck_in_uk said:
The fact that she refuses to hear anything about your past isn't normal. It strongly suggests that her relationship with you isn't genuine.
I'm not sure I fully agree with this particular comment. My wife and I never really discussed our past relationship. We kind of had an agreement that the past is the past and leave it that way. Once she asked me a little bit about on of my ex-gf. As I mentioned it, she started to get a little uncomfortable and told me to stop. That was the most I ever talked about my past relationships. Some couples want full disclosure. For us, it is as long as there is nothing we are hiding from each other, we decided to just leave the past relationship details behind us.


Mar 17, 2013
I appreciate very much all the comments, truly. Also I ask myself; what is the genuine relationship precisely speaking it is about relationship or marriage to be valid in any case and how that can be judged and make refusal? all it is very much subjective and left to the interviewing official so she may like it depending on her day or night.
I do not want to be sarcastic ever, but why it is not said clearly about it before we make any decisions and apply.
I do not believe in the system is fair and clear enugh and a lot depends on someone how sees it very much personally having not much clue about life. I understand genuine marriage but even if this a rule is a must how they can judge the beauty if she was a virgin since the man still wish to have her as his wife , what a guarantee their life will be together forever? May be it is needed to make a cap on times you can marry to be genuine?
My Chinese wife is 45 I am 60 I believe it is perfect match for many intellectual and physical reason the best to last till I die, but the officials young woman does not see this way. Wrong people given critical positions is as bad ad the existing indefinite emigrations rules causing even more problems.
The fight will never end here, I/we have the human democratic right to love and be loved and live where I wish and with whom I wish.
Thanks a lot again for the comments,,


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Nov 7, 2012
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Seoul, Korea
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Eugenm said:
Wrong people given critical positions is as bad ad the existing indefinite emigrations rules causing even more problems.
There are many cases from China of marriages-of-convenience, where a Chinese citizen or their family pays a Canadian citizen to marry and then sponsor them. They basically do a fake wedding and a fake relationship story in their application, and after getting PR both sponsor and applicant go their separate ways. It's basically a business transaction. So unfortunately all relationship are judged with something like this in mind, and visa officers need to question if any application is genuine, or a fraudulent one. It is not always easy to catch the frauds, and many genuine relationships get caught sometimes.

That is why I asked how much time you spent in person before getting married, what kind of wedding you had, and how much time you have spent in person since. In a true marriage people will spend as much time together as possible. You need to convince CIC that yours is a "genuine" relationship, and that even if her PR was refused you would consider moving to China to be with your wife.


Mar 17, 2013
Thanks, I understand what its been said here, All we had yet almost 500 pages of fine print form our everyday 2 hours or more QQ chat it says all it is very much personal and intimate chat you can imagine, and so what! it is said ?. the interviewing yong woman asked me questions if we had sex on the first day? yet?
I am still in Beijing writing here, I say good! the fight for genuine emigration rules and proper rules began…. I know the life very well and what is wrong or right but till the ingenuity of the system did not affect me and my emotions I keep quiet,, People keep quiet till they have food and roof over the head and do not complain because they are busy, but sometimes in life it comes the time to say the truth and fight for the truth.
Do you think when I love and I am committed for life to love, am I wrong? There will be the day I will say everywhere and everything. if I ever fail in my case due to the inadequate rules of this emigration system, with decisions left to the weather condition.
Stayed tune, I will back letting you know all.


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May 4, 2012
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keesio said:
I'm not sure I fully agree with this particular comment. My wife and I never really discussed our past relationship. We kind of had an agreement that the past is the past and leave it that way. Once she asked me a little bit about on of my ex-gf. As I mentioned it, she started to get a little uncomfortable and told me to stop. That was the most I ever talked about my past relationships. Some couples want full disclosure. For us, it is as long as there is nothing we are hiding from each other, we decided to just leave the past relationship details behind us.
I don't think it's normal that she didn't know about his 3 previous marriages or the fact that he sponsored a Chinese wife before; it's a huge part of his past and it was guaranteed to come up in the interview.

My partner and I never discussed the finer details of previous relationships; I didn't want to know the details and neither did he. However, we both knew that the other has had one serious relationship in the past and no marriages. I'm sure you and your wife discussed the existence of any previous marriages, even if you never talked about the details or even names.


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May 16, 2012
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canuck_in_uk said:
My partner and I never discussed the finer details of previous relationships; I didn't want to know the details and neither did he. However, we both knew that the other has had one serious relationship in the past and no marriages. I'm sure you and your wife discussed the existence of any previous marriages, even if you never talked about the details or even names.
Yes, agree with all of the above


Mar 17, 2013
Thanks guys, my wife knew I married more than once before All I can say and it was my answer during the interview, but how many times to whom and else - no, even if she knew the all marriages there would be more questions as far as details are concerned I am sure, but hey,, my answers are always honest, I answer honestly about us if we had sex on the first day we met,, I answer yes, although my eyes popped out since this question was,, uh I never expected either............................That would be it here I know I do not go anywhere with this here anymore further..
A thought,, I am convinced, through all my life experience, people looking for the past and digging in to the past never are ever satisfied in anything and never find happiness due to annoying nature and it is very hard to live with them or even be around.
Thanks for now,,