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I am about to snap



I am so frustrated. Delhi has had our file for 2 months now and I cant find out anything. I contacted the MP's office last week and they were going to do and enquiry into our case and they would let me know on this Tuesday past. So I patiently waited all last week and weekend thinking that I might have some kind of answer on Tuesday since Monday was a holiday. WRONG!! Never heard from their office so I called. They said ohhh give it another week and come on on monday and we will fax your appeal documents to delhi on the ministers line. I already faxed it off well over a week ago and paid $10 for three pages. Give it another week. Then go in on Monday and fax everything off and let me guess, ummm wait another week? This is maddening I am worried that the IO that did our case is going to delay things. I have to have surgery and I would really like to have my husband here for it. Anyways I guess I just needed to blow off steam and I guess I just need a hot cup of chai and watch home videos of our time together in delhi .. :( sigh


Full Member
May 13, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
04-11-2009 at Mississauga
File Transfer...
23-11-2009 to Seoul
Passport Req..
I can feel your frustration and I'm truly sorry things aren't going more smoothly. Sometimes the MP's office takes longer than expected to get back to you; sometimes they need a little nudge to get things going. I remember going out of my mind waiting for an answer from our MP (although it was not about a PR application it was still related to Immigrations). But we called once every week or ten days and eventually got an answer. It turns out they were just overswamped with inquiries and were trying to deal with each one fairly and thoroughly. I don't exactly have the utmost faith in the efficiency of the Canadian government overall, but I'm sure the people at the MP's office know how much you have hanging in the balance here, as do a lot of people on this forum. As for the IO deliberately delaying things, I can only say that I hope that's not the case.

I truly hope that in a few months from now you'll be back with your husband (in Canada) laughing about all the crap you had to go through to be together. Nagging the MP's office, sending off $10 faxes, spending hours and days worrying... "When the load is off your shoulders it will have been worth it." Hang in there! Our prayers are with you.


Thanks for your words of encouragement. I realize I am not their only case and I know the person who is working with me understands the immigration process since she herself is not Canadian born. I just have to stop feeling sorry for myself and drum up some patience


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
02-06-2009 CPC-M
Doc's Request.
Med's Request
2009, 2010
Passport Req..
I feel your frustration Boyee ... my file has been sitting in the Port of Spain office since August 2009. All that I have gotten from them was my AOR. Nothing up to date and I have been requesting to get answers to which I only get standardized emails. We too are a gay couple so things are a bit more difficult living in my homeland which is completely against homosexuality.

I have been having one of those moments you have been having recently as well and trust me, it aggravates every nerve ending of your body to know that nothing is coming out of your case.

Patience is all it takes. I find that whenever I exercise I tend to release some of that stress and tension that build up in me.

I hope things work out for you sooner then later though. It must be very tough waiting for so long and having gone through ADR and still nothing from your VO.

Best of luck!


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2008
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Original:14Mar2007; Reprocess began after appeal:26Apr2010
Doc's Request.
Original:9May'07; Reprocess:7May'10
AOR Received.
Original:28Apr'07; Reprocess:26Apr'10
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
I know how you feel as well. After waiting through 10 months of processing without a word from them, we got a refusal. It was another year before we got to the ADR hearing, and 13 months after that before we had our full appeal - which, of course, we won because they never should have refused the application in the first place! But after winning, it's been just more waiting. "Priority processing" has so far manifested itself as 3 months of waiting for the decision letter, and 2 more months before Buffalo even sent the request for new medicals. In the meantime my temporary status is expiring so we're looking at forking over more money we don't have while it seems everybody at CIC just takes their sweet time. It's one of those things that's just out of our control and, really, I guess the only thing we can do is just try to keep from letting it drive us crazy. Now that's a challenge.


Well im kicking myself in the a-- now.As we knew eachother for two years and got married last April i should have done the app then.But i didnt search out these forums until after i did it.Because i waited made sure all my taxes were paid,got a letter from my boss for employment,paid off all her bills in Brazil,made sure my support was up to date and paid fully,and what ever else i thought i should have done before,i got here to go get medicals done in November 09.And we applied Feb this year half the stuff i did i didnt even have to do to apply.
The docotr sent in the medicals and since it was in Nov 09.And i applied Feb 10.They said they could not find them.Well i didnt know i had to send the green copies with the photos until last month when they emailed for them.
I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if i had of come on and asked questions.And she would be here by now.


We are all suffering in one form or another. Some are waiting and biting their nails hoping to be approved and others are waiting for appeal dates and then there are those of us who won and know that their spouse is coming just dont know exactly when. We are all waiting. I just pray that we dont go insane during the "wait". That could be a movie LOL. I am just glad there is a place where there are others who are just like me and trying to hang in there and watch for the light at the end of the dark immigration tunnel. Thanks to all for being so supportive. :)