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Husband in Morocco

Kim Hanouf

Jun 24, 2009
Calgary Alberta
Hello everyone. I was married to my husband on May 21/2009 in Morocco and I am a Canadian citizen living in Calgary Alberta. We haven't saw eachother in over 3 months now as they will likely not give him tourist visa as I am sponsoring him. Anyway, I have been approved to sponsor and the file has been in PROCESS in Rabat Since August 13, 2009. Any idea on how long in generally takes before he gets a interview or another letter? I understand we are all in the same boat but anyone out there have to deal with Rabat and any hints or ideas? Thanks so much!!



VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi Kim,

Why don't you join the Morocco thread? There are lots of us in there with the same situation as you. I married my husband in 2008 and Rabat received his file in November 2008. We are STILL waiting for an interview. Average processing times for that embassy are 8 to 10 months from the date they received the file.

As far as hints or ideas, one thing I WISH I had done during the process was send another package of proof mid-way through the process. More emails, chats, telephone records, boarding passes, pictures, etc. I have been to visit my husband 3 times since we applied and we have another huge file of proof to give them when they call him for the interview. I just wish I had sent it 4 months ago because it might have quickened the process somewhat. But you never know. Anyway, good luck to you and you might want to read and join the other thread I mentioned.


Kim Hanouf

Jun 24, 2009
Calgary Alberta
Thanks, I will post this in that group! I sent an entire binder to them will pictures, emails, facebook stuff, phone records all thanks to hints from this great site awhile back when I was putting everything together!

Thank you for your reply.
