I am a 31 year old American who on June 18, 2005 (in Windsor, Ontario), married a Canadian who is now 31 and on disability. We have a 6 year old special needs child that, if I leave, will have even more issues. He has been making serious progress since I came back into his life (me and his mother separated for a short time). I am sure that I am criminally inadmissible due to being on probation for a careless driving charge (I was driving a fire truck to a call and the cops in a small town thought I was driving crazy). I don't know what to think since I was let across the border just a week ago. With what she gets from disability they are very much living under the poverty line ($1400 a month for both, not each). I have sold everything that I have to return to Canada to be with her and my son and to give them a good life (which was dumb I know but to destroy him by not coming back was NOT an option). I don't have a college education but a seriously decent resume that includes retail store management. I am pretty witty and in decent health other than some minor things that have already been treated. What are your thoughts for applying on H&C Ground when I do apply? Any questions you may have will be answered quickly. Thanks!