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How Work Experience is calculated under CRS?


Sep 26, 2018
I am in dilemma right now. I am considering applying for express entry for Canada PR. I have total experience of more than 4 years. Out of which 2 years 9 months of experience as Marketing executive and 1 year 6 months of experience as Marketing Manager, both in different organizations. Now how much work experience should i consider under CRS? 1 year, 2 years or 3+ years. I would be applying under NOC 0124- Advertising, Marketing and public relation Manager.

I am getting different statement from different consultant.
1. One consultant is saying that whole experience is considered, so 3+ years experience would be valid
2. One consultant is saying that only Managerial role (marketing manager) would be considered, so 1+ year experience would be valid
3. One consultant is saying the experience which you have accumulated after Post Graduation would be considered.

I would request experts on the forum to help me out.


Champion Member
Jul 18, 2018
NOC Code......
I am in dilemma right now. I am considering applying for express entry for Canada PR. I have total experience of more than 4 years. Out of which 2 years 9 months of experience as Marketing executive and 1 year 6 months of experience as Marketing Manager, both in different organizations. Now how much work experience should i consider under CRS? 1 year, 2 years or 3+ years. I would be applying under NOC 0124- Advertising, Marketing and public relation Manager.

I am getting different statement from different consultant.
1. One consultant is saying that whole experience is considered, so 3+ years experience would be valid
2. One consultant is saying that only Managerial role (marketing manager) would be considered, so 1+ year experience would be valid
3. One consultant is saying the experience which you have accumulated after Post Graduation would be considered.

I would request experts on the forum to help me out.
I think I can give you some light on this...

Okay, it's important to understand that all three consultants are right, in their own way of seeing what's important. But before moving to that, let's answer your query about experience years.

First of all, you need to know that if you're claiming points for those two positions (Executive and Manager), you will need to provide reference letters per CIC requirements for BOTH positions. That means contacting previous employer for past position which lasted 2years 9months. If you can't get that for previous employer but OK for the current one, you will only be able to claim 1 year for this last position. The marketing executive will be NOC1123, and Marketing Manager NOC0124.

About the consultants, firstly I'd like to say I'm by no means a consultant, but I think I understood the requirements and what they mean:

Consultant 1: Yes, the whole experience can be considered, like I said, AS LONG AS you can provide reference letters for all positions for which you're claiming points. If you can do that, then yes he's technically right.
Consultant 2: He's partly right because you want to claim NOC 0124 as primary for your application assessment, and only your position as Marketing Manager fits in that NOC. Your marketing executive experience would be under NOC 1123. But still... you can combine NOC to accumulate work experience years for points. I think he overlooked this possibility.
Consultant 3: He's kinda right. See, in the NOC page, there are a set of duties you need to have in order to be considered for that NOC. Moreover, you also need to have fulfilled requirements for that NOC. So, in the case of NOC1123 and 0124, both require a university degree in related field. That's why you won't be considered for these categories if you didn't graduate (obtained a degree)

What I would do, pending other opinions here, is to claim both if you can get reference letters for both. If not, go with NOC1123 to get points for two years. Still better than one year. Or a different approach is to claim the position for which you have the best reference letter because in the end, that's the document that will validate the experience.

Hope I helped.


Sep 26, 2018
Thanks Peacekeeper for your kind revert and relevant insights.

I can surely arrange reference letters from both the organizations. I have good rapport with my ex-colleagues and ex-seniors.

Now, I have one small query: In my last organization, my official title was an Executive . But I was into sales and marketing profile.If relevant job responsibilities are mentioned in reference letter, does job title holds any importance?

Also, where can I find draft reference letter? Thanks in advance.

I think I can give you some light on this...

Okay, it's important to understand that all three consultants are right, in their own way of seeing what's important. But before moving to that, let's answer your query about experience years.

First of all, you need to know that if you're claiming points for those two positions (Executive and Manager), you will need to provide reference letters per CIC requirements for BOTH positions. That means contacting previous employer for past position which lasted 2years 9months. If you can't get that for previous employer but OK for the current one, you will only be able to claim 1 year for this last position. The marketing executive will be NOC1123, and Marketing Manager NOC0124.

About the consultants, firstly I'd like to say I'm by no means a consultant, but I think I understood the requirements and what they mean:

Consultant 1: Yes, the whole experience can be considered, like I said, AS LONG AS you can provide reference letters for all positions for which you're claiming points. If you can do that, then yes he's technically right.
Consultant 2: He's partly right because you want to claim NOC 0124 as primary for your application assessment, and only your position as Marketing Manager fits in that NOC. Your marketing executive experience would be under NOC 1123. But still... you can combine NOC to accumulate work experience years for points. I think he overlooked this possibility.
Consultant 3: He's kinda right. See, in the NOC page, there are a set of duties you need to have in order to be considered for that NOC. Moreover, you also need to have fulfilled requirements for that NOC. So, in the case of NOC1123 and 0124, both require a university degree in related field. That's why you won't be considered for these categories if you didn't graduate (obtained a degree)

What I would do, pending other opinions here, is to claim both if you can get reference letters for both. If not, go with NOC1123 to get points for two years. Still better than one year. Or a different approach is to claim the position for which you have the best reference letter because in the end, that's the document that will validate the experience.

Hope I helped.


Champion Member
Jul 18, 2018
NOC Code......
Thanks Peacekeeper for your kind revert and relevant insights.

I can surely arrange reference letters from both the organizations. I have good rapport with my ex-colleagues and ex-seniors.

Now, I have one small query: In my last organization, my official title was an Executive . But I was into sales and marketing profile.If relevant job responsibilities are mentioned in reference letter, does job title holds any importance?

Also, where can I find draft reference letter? Thanks in advance.
A good relationship with everyone, that's perfect! A lot of people were struggling with this part. Consider yourself blessed and lucky. In that case, I think you're good to go for the whole 4 years. Note however that CRS points for experience are maxed at 3. On the 67/100 eligibility scale however, it goes till 5 years.

Job titles may give an indication to VO, but not much really. What they really care about is duties. They need to be close enough to what's mentioned in the NOC page. As long as you got that going, you're good, title won't matter much, if not at all.

The letter is quite standard really. It needs to be on company letterhead

Dear Visa officer (or to whom it may concern)
This is to confirm that Mr. X was/is employed full-time with <Hours/week> in your company <Name of Company> operating in the <Name of industry> sector as <Job Title> between/since <date>, with an annual/monthly salary of <amount>. (Add benefits if any)
As <Title>, Mr. X has the following duties:
Remaining at your disposal for further information, by writing me at <supervisor's email address> or calling me at <phone number>.

<Name of Supervisor>
<Signature and company seal>



Sep 26, 2018
Thanks for all the help. Really appreciate it.

A good relationship with everyone, that's perfect! A lot of people were struggling with this part. Consider yourself blessed and lucky. In that case, I think you're good to go for the whole 4 years. Note however that CRS points for experience are maxed at 3. On the 67/100 eligibility scale however, it goes till 5 years.

Job titles may give an indication to VO, but not much really. What they really care about is duties. They need to be close enough to what's mentioned in the NOC page. As long as you got that going, you're good, title won't matter much, if not at all.

The letter is quite standard really. It needs to be on company letterhead

Dear Visa officer (or to whom it may concern)
This is to confirm that Mr. X was/is employed full-time with <Hours/week> in your company <Name of Company> operating in the <Name of industry> sector as <Job Title> between/since <date>, with an annual/monthly salary of <amount>. (Add benefits if any)
As <Title>, Mr. X has the following duties:
Remaining at your disposal for further information, by writing me at <supervisor's email address> or calling me at <phone number>.

<Name of Supervisor>
<Signature and company seal>



Star Member
Aug 30, 2019
A good relationship with everyone, that's perfect! A lot of people were struggling with this part. Consider yourself blessed and lucky. In that case, I think you're good to go for the whole 4 years. Note however that CRS points for experience are maxed at 3. On the 67/100 eligibility scale however, it goes till 5 years.

Job titles may give an indication to VO, but not much really. What they really care about is duties. They need to be close enough to what's mentioned in the NOC page. As long as you got that going, you're good, title won't matter much, if not at all.

The letter is quite standard really. It needs to be on company letterhead

Dear Visa officer (or to whom it may concern)
This is to confirm that Mr. X was/is employed full-time with <Hours/week> in your company <Name of Company> operating in the <Name of industry> sector as <Job Title> between/since <date>, with an annual/monthly salary of <amount>. (Add benefits if any)
As <Title>, Mr. X has the following duties:
Remaining at your disposal for further information, by writing me at <supervisor's email address> or calling me at <phone number>.

<Name of Supervisor>
<Signature and company seal>


If the CRS score is maxed at 3 years of total foreign work ex , do we still need to provide job role and responsibilities for other work experience's we are including under Work History Tab ?

I have added 3 experiences in Work History, however the last 2 jobs have roles and responsibilities included which is for 3 years and rest do not have the in my offer letter ? Will my application be rejected ?

Can you please confirm ?



Hero Member
Feb 19, 2017
Hi All,

I have been studying full time for Bachelors degree in India but in the last whole year of pursuing my degree I have also managed full time work of about 8 hours Mon-Fri in India as a 21 years old Indian Citizen (because my full time college is just for 5 hours, 7am to 12pm post which i go to work from 1pm to 10pm), am I eligible for one year of full-time work experience CRS points according to the below requirement or it will be considered part time / invalid?

ii. In the last 10 years, how many total years of foreign skilled work experience do you have?
It must have been paid, full-time (or an equal amount in part-time), and in only one occupation
LINK - https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp

Note - I have an employment letter stating my full time work tenure, and pay cheques too.

Please guide asap. Thank you very much.