i would recommened looking on the website specifically for Toronto or the ontario government website. there are usually tabs for the business sector which will have information about registering your business in your city/province.
Do note that this type of set up will not protect you from meeting the RO......not saying that's your plan but so many PRs think they can open up a mom and pops set up in Canada and run/ operate it remotely from some other country thinking it secures their PR status. For some reason many of these PRs are US based...waiting for that employment based GC eh! Competing with these are the ME based PRs not wanting to give up their tax free petro$$$ but wanting to remain Canadian PRs...you know the Gulf has no 'immigrant' streams to gaining PR eh!
Are you looking to start a business or get a contract job through a placement agency? If the latter then contact CRV or search for information regarding "incorporation in Canada" and "self proprietorship in Canada"
My friend when he came to canada he open incorporation it cost him somewhere $500 to $650. It can be cheaper but he opened named company not numbered company.He was working as a independent contractor. Since 2 years he is now full time employee. What do you guys suggest keep his incorporation active with no income and also keep his business bank account or should he close his dormant company. What positive or negative impact he will have as he does not want to again go through incorporation process what if he looses his job and need to do contracting again.
Please give wise and correct advice so he can make a serious decision. One more thing to add he is becoming citizen soon as waiting oath so as work history he had to show most of his incorporation income etc.