Rahulmali said:
Hey this is something I posted in the other group. Hope it helps you in anyway. P.s Escobar Gaviria you should have been picked in the last draw, check your CIC account if not you are in good situation. GOOD luck
I apologize for this long message.
This is purely my research based on CIC and OINP websites
Alright, lets talk some numbers here. CIC last year invited 31,063 applications through Express Entry System. Considering that they match up to these numbers they would have to send another 7,161 ITAs (31,063-23,902) out. Lets assume they follow last years timeline I.E 4 more invites out on Nov. 13, Nov. 27, Dec. 4 and Dec. 18. that will be around 1,790 ITAs on an average. This for Express Entry. This is what we can expect in the coming 2 months.
According to the budget/numbers of immigration allocated for 2016 is 106,200 ( I.E including Federal Economic —High Skilled targeted invitations of 58,400 and Provincial Nominee Program targeted invitations of 47,800). They are lots of categories included in this number.
For instance -
1) Many CEC applications which were submitted before 31 DEC 2014 were pending, they had a backlog for almost 2 years. They ended up almost bringing this number down to 4-5 months and very few applications left.
2) If someone applies under these categories and has any dependents they are included as well,etc. So don't assume they will send another 79,000 ITAs out.
Lets talk about OINP-
Ontario PNP has many categories the total allocations for them this year is 5,500 (1.8% of the total allocation of 300,000). They have reached the number of APPLIED application for few streams this year. Based on what is happening with many members I assume they haven't completed 5,500 applications, which is good for all members.
What changes can we Expect?
Based on my research(OINP website and CIC, links given below) the budget for next year should be released by end of November 2016. This gives a little leverage for OINP to start issuing more nominations.(Based on the updated message from May 09 2016)
If they ain't many applications in the express entry with a score of 450 and above (just to give you an example - as of Jan 03, 2016 they were 2510 current profiles, they keeping increasing if more people have made a profile or awarded 600 points) we can expect many nominations directly from Express Entry. So in this anticipation just keep your express entry profile updated.
Keep in mind these assumptions are based off last years info. they might send more invites out if they have to achieve more than last years numbers. (Refer to Year-End Report)
Supplementary Information 2016 Immigration Levels Plan - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2016-03-08.asp
Express Entry Year-End Report 2015 - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/reports/ee-year-end-2015.asp
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Updates (look at the update on May 09,2016) - http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPNEW.html
Good Luck Smiley