I worked from January 28, 2016 to May 15, 2016 and then
from January 21, 2017 till present (August 9, 2018)
I received ITA already, so how would my experience count? Will it be already considered as 2 years as CIC gives option of month and year only. So, I selected January, 2016 to May 2016 + January 2017 to August 2018, technically it's 25th month now. Should I submit my application?
When I count day by day or week by week then 2 years of time is still not completed. What should I do? Can anyone please clear this to me? Greatly appreciated. thank you !!
from January 21, 2017 till present (August 9, 2018)
I received ITA already, so how would my experience count? Will it be already considered as 2 years as CIC gives option of month and year only. So, I selected January, 2016 to May 2016 + January 2017 to August 2018, technically it's 25th month now. Should I submit my application?
When I count day by day or week by week then 2 years of time is still not completed. What should I do? Can anyone please clear this to me? Greatly appreciated. thank you !!