6. Calculate your fees.
You will have to pay the following fees:
•The processing fee for you and your dependants must be paid when you apply. It is not refundable, even if your application is not approved.
•Wait until your application is processed to pay the Right of Permanent Residence fee for you and your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, if applicable. It must be paid before Citizenship and Immigration Canada issues your permanent resident visa. This fee is refundable if you cancel your application, if your application is not approved, or if you do not use your visa.
You will also have to pay fees to third parties for:
•your medical examination
•a police certificate, if you require one as part of your criminal and security check, and
•language testing, as required.
Information on how to pay your processing fee and your Right of Permanent Residence fee is included in the instructions for the visa office where you submit your application.
More information on fees is available in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.