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How long does it usually take for an employer to petition a worker?


Oct 5, 2008
here's the scenario: say, i go to toronto on a visitor visa. within a month, i find a willing employer to petition me.
how long would it usually take for all the paper works to be done so i can start working? would the process be costly?
i'd appreciate your response. thanks.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
If you are expedited, it could take as little as a few weeks but it could also take as much as a few months. My coworker was applying for an LMO for a new job and he was told it would take around 7 weeks but something went wrong and he's now waiting 5 and a half months. Nobody seems to be able to tell him why either.


Oct 5, 2008
Thanks Leon. Another thing, could you please explain the rationale behind employers preferring their prospective employees to be actually
in the region (say Toronto) vs. them being out of the country as they process their papers. What are the advantages of actually being in
Canada as you look for an employer vs. just browsing the net?
*just trying to understand things better, please pardon all my questions.
thanks again...


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Think about it. If you were hiring a person, would you be more comfortable hiring somebody you can interview and see in person or somebody you can only talk with online or maybe over the phone?

Most employers prefer to see you first. It's a human thing. There are things you can't see over the phone like how you carry yourself, do you dress appropriately, do you smell, do you have a firm handshake, do you talk funny, is your English good enough to function in their company (which they would be able to find out over the phone but not in email as you could have somebody else translating for you) and also just the general feeling about you when they see you.


Nov 20, 2008
he can call them and ask about the application.i had pass the same thing.they were calling but they don't give any information for anybody,just the personthe employer) whose name on the application.they are very nice and they answer all the questions and they will tell your employer if there is missing documents.