Senior said:
Thanks Simran and Yahoo!
Does anyone know if they still have the one day visa service at Detroit?
For Immigrant Visas, Detroit consulate still continues to provide same day service as of today.
For non-Immigrant visas (Visit/Study/Work etc), same day service is not available.
Below is from the consulate's web page:
"The Canadian visa office in Detroit is no longer open to the public for same-day non-immigrant services. All applications must be submitted by mail.
If you applied for permanent residence in Canada and you have received a notification from our office, the Case Processing Pilot Office in Ottawa or the Canadian Consulate General in Buffalo requesting you to submit your passport(s) to our office you may do so in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:30 – 11:00 am. Your passport(s) may be returned to you the same day. You must bring the notification with you.