Congrats to all who got their trackers activated, or those who got their passports back

It's encouraging to see people who have waited more than two months have already started getting their passports back.
mcdimples said:
. Thanks Ash! Did you response from your MP and follow up your case to cpp-ottawa?
They did follow up. I contacted my MP (not about the whereabout of my passport, but because I accidentally sent some random unrelated items that were not requested along with my passport, and if possible and without causing delay, I want these items back), and after a week, I asked the MP office, and they told me their contact at Ottawa has contacted him back, saying that the passport is in queue for finalization and visa printing (we all know that this process can still take weeks), and they will try to return the unrelated items if they can find them.
Contact your local MP as soon as possible (by phone call), and you will hear something back from Ottawa in a week. If you just email Ottawa, then the email would just go to the whole mailbox of CPP-Ottawa, and things must be super confusing on that mailbox. MP has specific contact at CPP-Ottawa (like specific person they are contacting directly), so in a week, they'll hear something back.