From which country you applying from ,In my case i got refusual just the next day . I wish you all the best for positive result.
And what visa ?
From which country you applying from ,In my case i got refusual just the next day . I wish you all the best for positive result.
You should mostly get mail by two daysI applied for study permit for Jan intake university of winnipeg. Jm from Nepal and I am curently working in Qatar I applied from Qatar online.
Getting refusal for Canada visa is not a big deal cos the same similar situation apply to me too and i reapply after a month with letter stating that i will leaving Canada at the end of my study cos i apply for study permit.Please I have been rejected and it’s on this reason
Thank you for your interest in studying in Canada. After careful review of your study permit application and supporting documentation, I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). I am refusing your application on the following grounds:
• I am not satisfied that you have sufficient funds, including income or assets, to carry out your stated purpose in coming to Canada or to maintain yourself while in Canada and to effect your departure.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the limited employment prospects in your country of residence.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status.
You are welcome to reapply if you feel that you can respond to these concerns and can demonstrate that your situation meets the requirements. All new applications must be accompanied by a new processing fee.
Plse I’m about to re apply ...can someone assist me writing a good SOP so I can get my visa ...or can someone let me know about the necessary documents needed now so I can’t get the visa .
Hit me up WhatsApp 0268480637
I have similar situation, though i apply for study visa and i got refused for the reason that i wont be leaving canada to my home country after my study, but i reapply after a month in August and up till date i havent heard an update on my status.Hello, request yr assistance pls to understand how do we reapply to convince the authorities.
We applied as a family, one son going to join University and the other son accompanying me as I am not comfortable travelling alone.
We applied for TRV for me n my son and Study Permit for my other son.
We rcvd the Biometrics confirmation on 31st July, email to submit passport rcvd on 1st and again on 5th Aug. However, my other son (TRV) didn't get email to submit passport.
On follow up with VFS, within 2 hours we rcvd email as follows :
Thank you for your interest in visiting Canada. After careful review of your temporary resident visa application and supporting documentation, I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). I am refusing your application on the following grounds: I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on the limited employment prospects in your country of residence. I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your current employment situation. I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your family ties in Canada and in your country of residence. I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status. I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your travel history. + + You are welcome to reapply if you feel that you can respond to these concerns and can demonstrate that your situation meets the requirements. All new applications must be accompanied by a new processing fee. Sincerely, IRCC Abu Dhabi Embassy of Canada in the United Arab
How do I respond to these concerns and demonstrate to them that my son will return to his country of residence - where should I mention this ?
Also we have our return confirmed tickets and hotel booked for the few days we intend to stay in Canada until my son moves in to University housing.
When reapplying do we have to mention the earlier application details ?
Appreciate your assistance and support.
Pls guide me.
Thank you,
Hello everyone. Need your opinions:
I submitted my Visa application (SDS) late on July 27, 2019. Gave my biometrics on July 30, 2019. Now the thing is, where Applicant information is present, biometrics number, enrolment and expiry date have been updated. However, where the status is shown it is still showing:
BiometricsHelp - Biometrics
- We need your fingerprints to process your application. Check your messages below for details.
It has been quite a while now... Should I again go and give my biometrics or should I wait and is it abnormal for the biometric details to be updated in the applicant information section but not in where it shows status?? Has anybody faced the same issue??
Have you got an updates yet? cos i have similar situation with yoursOnline SDS Application Submitted : 5 July
Biometrics Done : 8 July
Medicals already done in June
Biometrics, medicals and background passed on same day 21 July
Got Refusal letter and Biometrics correspondence on 24 July ( Reason - purpose of visit ) Decision Time - 16 calendar days
Reapplied on 27 July
Till date No Update
I have the similar situation with you and what i did when i receive the correspondent of my visa been rejected. I reapply by providing updated account statement which i use in applying at first, and i draft a letter to confuse them that i will be coming back to take control of my father's business, and i have the new statement of account and the letter i drafted to notary public officer to authenticate it along with my previous documents i submitted before...i hope this help? Meanwhile, am still expecting a POE to that event.Hello please my visa got rejected because they said I won’t come back after studies , how can I respond to these and get the visa