I married my husband about 14 months after we met, and a year after we started dating. We'd only spent about 30 days together all told by that point, but we Skype every day. I'm currently a student, so visits are limited to my breaks.
I have to agree that when you know, you know. I got married when I was about 22, after being engaged for 2 years. That relationship was a disaster, and if I'd known then what my relationship with DH would feel like, I never would have done it. Well, maybe if I also knew that I had to endure the disastrous first marriage in order to be ready for the awesome second marriage, then it would be worth it.
I feel lucky that I have a "role model" that I can point to, as well. My parents met in December, Dad proposed in June, and they were married the following November; that was close to 40 years ago and they're still going strong.