Caribou said:
Thanks for posting this.
I was looking for how to start gathering files and proof. My wedding is in 3 mo, and I wanted to start ahead.
One thing though is, I've known my "American" fiance for 13 years, and we've been dating for +8 years. I lived in 3 different countries while we had long distance relationship (and survived!).
Any 2 cents from people who had "just too many proof" to send out?
Most of flight tickets are gone beyond 2012, and we can't even remember all the trips we took as my fiance crosses border like every month now.
Most of our photos taken together are selfies as well.
Just put down what we can remember or shorten them out? or concentrate on most recent proofs only?
I would appreciate any advice.
We put together a 'small' package compared to some posters here; however, we went for quality and logic over volume. My wife and I met 2x in person before getting married; we met online but explained our whole timeline, our backgrounds, etc. We met in July and got married in Feb - while this might sound like a red flag, read on...
a write up from first connection to marriage to current state of where we are and our plans (obviously not too personal!) We explained how we met, where, our connection, our plan, etc.
photos from various meet-ups, trips, with each other's families, etc. on the back were dates and who was in the photo and location. I think we had about 35-40 photos total from 2013/14
communications: e.g. skype logs, emails from various stages of our relationship, chat logs, phone call log screenshots, etc. We didn't have a lot of phone calls with bills, so explained that we use other means of comms.
receipts from trips and hotels and flights; where we went, why, etc.
For me, it was highly about the logic piece - we included our wedding gift log and new joint bank a/c (which matched!) and wedding invitee list
We gave them no holes in the write-up; everything was in categories, and I used a lot of paperclips and post-it notes and highlighting where appropriate.
I hope that helps a bit - feel free to reply back if you have any q's