trizienne said:
Can you share the process on how to take them here?
I would love to. This will be an additional "tip" for other pet owners who wanna bring their pets with them as well =)
We have two options:
1. do the relocation by ourselves
2. use the service of a pet relocation company
Under 1.) Doing the relocation ourselves, you just need to the following:
a. purchase an IATA approved crate for your pet. You may check websites of different airlines as to what their specifications are. Ours look like this:
(and now you probably can see in the photo that my user name pelipeli is actually our dog's name) lol
note: we did all the required stickers on the crate by oursleves (Live Animals, This side up, Handle with care, etc)
b. Get their vaccinations updated (especially rabies)
c. Have your vet make a rabies vaccination certificate and a health certificate that your pet is healthy enough to travel
d. You may check this website for Canada regulations on importing pets. Canada has no quarantine period so its good =)
e. Choose what airline you want to use (research on what airline is the most pet friendly. i'll share which airline on a private message ill send to you )
f. Call ahead to "reserve" , some airlines may only take several pets on board.
Under 2.) use the service of a pet relocation company
We will go with this option. It gives me a mini heart attack on the cost, and you will still need to do (a) to (c) under option 1, but I think it will be safer and more sure if we have professionals doing it because they have the experience on relocating pets for years. They will do everything from getting in touch with you to know your pet's specifics and requirements, get in touch with your vet to handle and prepare the paperwork, choose the best airline, book the flight, pick up your pet, monitor the pet throughout the flight, take care of your pet on layovers during the travel, handle clearing your pet through customs/immigration then deliver your pet to you at your home in Canada. What's great with this is you can get your pets even if you are not accompanying them on the flight, like on your case that you have landed already. Just make sure you have someone back here in the Phils. who can prepare them (purchase the crate, get them updated vaccinations, get the paperwork and turn them over to the handlers on the flight day)
I will send u a private message to give you the website of the relocation company we have contracted with =)
It also helps to do research on tips on bringing your dog with you on an airplane, we have learned many great tips that would make the process easier.
hope this helped out