Man people like this should be in bloody jail... This is theft and in 3rd world countries ppl are duped by these con artist to pay for something which is free.
They make the immigration seem like Rocket Science, man it's not that complicated and the CIC website is just amazing, and all the information is free. The visa offices offer no favors for those who use immigration consultants.
98% of all immigration consultants "outiside" of canada in 3rd world countries are fraud and con artists they are not memebers of the CIC lawyers society, and usually employ underqualified housewives who can speak decent English to prepare your file...They are also not criminally lliable, they can give you B.S info and are more businessmen rather than lawyers. They can't be prosecuted in their own countries for doing this as to be a consultant you don't need any qualifications from Canada.
See the lawyers who are associated with CIC and Qubec notary are good because you can complain to the notaries in the province where they are registered.
They will do anything to get money off you.
People pay thousands of dollars to these pigs for just arranging documents and filling out forms!!
Kind regards,