definitely ,the online shopping... i do everything online (ebay, amazon) in US, and there's so little available online in canada! i have to wait til I'm heading back there for a visit, and rack up the deliveries to my california address, and purposely underpack so I can lug the stuff back here lol!
several times I've asked for the restroom and been given a blank stare, repeated myself, then they say "oh you mean the washroom?"...
"in canada everyone's sorry" i love that lol
case in point: i'm at shoppers (downtown toronto, big city, people in a hurry, right?)... confused by the vitamins aisle (have to learn the Canadian brands), and after (quite) a while I subliminally realize someone's nearby... I look over my shoulder and a middle aged lady is standing a polite 8 feet away from me, eyes down, pull-cart behind her... waiting. For. me. to. be. done. Not pushing past me, not even saying "excuse me" so I step aside and she can get by... not even taking a different aisle! just... waiting. Wow. You folks are SO nice - love it.
On the flip side, I have to tweeze my (Canadian) husband's real movie/dinner/travel/etc preferences out of him.
Speaking of husbands, men here seem to do the European sitting-with-legs-crossed thing much more than Americans men.
People generally dress better here. I mean a little more chic, a little more effort, more pulled together, less track-suit/yogawear/juicy couture sweat outfits going on.
news/sports/anything commentatory on TV are less in your face and loud. during the US recent presidential election, we kept switching from CNN to CBC and CNN was SO flashy and loud in comparison!
i got to experience seasons again - was in perma-spring in san francisco, i know rough, huh? actually it was hard to go 30 years without a real (lazy, hazy hot) summer. in SF, you know you'll be somewhat warm and gray.cold/windy at some point all in same day. in toronto in july, i get to waltz down to the cafe in a sundress and flip flops, sip wine on a patio at 11 pm, it's like being on the french riviera! sort of lol. i can do that mayb 1-2 days out of the year in san francisco.
took a while to get used to some of the linguistic differences (project: PROE-ject (Can) vs PRAW-ject (US)), Shedjwool vs SKedjual. And i can NEVER remember to say ZED!